Who says that a research is boring???? Research is never boring in my institution inspite of the fact they pay us extremely less.... This is because lots of events continues side by side... I personally is continuously very much attached to sports and music but there are certain grim jawed fellows who dont like music and neither do they like mixing with people.... You will find all kind of people here and everybody in his nature is unique and his character is again researchable... One thing I did not get how so many diverse mentalities cultures come in the dining hall and and appreciate or disappreciate the food cooked there or how they stands unified for other students.... I have read that unity in diversity is a cool feature of India and I got to realise it now.... My institution has given me a feeling that research is multidimensional and people are diversivied but there is only one truth that unifies us all.... Our approach may be different but we all approach the same truth in different manner so perhaps the logo perfectly contains the word in sanskrit 'dhruvam adhrumeshu'....
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