Saturday, May 22, 2010

An open appeal to all----- Why Should I pay for Azmal Kasab???

Dear Country men and women,

I dont want to pay for Azmal Kasab who has come to my country killed people tried to disintegrate the unity of our country tried to terrorise you and me..... You must be quizzing yourself that how I and you being a common man paying towards him...... You must be aware of the fact that crores of Rupees are being spent for his security and this money comes from our tax. Even those who do not pay income tax pay sales tax through all the purchase they made for there living so the poorest of the poor is also making a contribution towards his security.... Although I am proud that my fellow country men are tolerant enough (which proves that they are Indians) to spend there hard earned money behind a terrorist who killed their fellowmen. But I am a black sheep.... I dont want to pay for him........ I feel that we should respect other countries not try to disintegrate them unnecessarily. But if somebody attacks us we must not leave him every day this fellow (Azmal Kasab) lives we spend our hard earned money for him that we give as a tax for development that we give to our sons or daughters for their future.... The tax that we give for our internal security is now to protect the person who has declared war against us killed our fellow country men and is not feeling guilty for it........ So my appeal to my fellow country men is to please stop paying towards Kasab (we can do this by hanging him faster since it will cost less to us).... The precious lives will not come back if we do so but its not from a sense of revenge I am demanding the death of Kasab... I sympathize all those who kill because state is neglecting them in-spite of the fact they are citizen (though they still do not have a right to kill), I sympathize that person who killed somebody accidentally or in a heat of moment (I dont feel they should not be punished).... But I am ready to pay for them ( all the cost to jail them or make them right since thats for my internal security).... But I have no sympathy for a person who unnecessarily comes in my land in order to create disintegration, kill innocent people.... So my request to the common man (because they are the people who formed the Indian government) is to hang this Azmal Kasab........

Ayanendu Sanyal


Khalid said...

Indian State should punish a "terrorist" who kill innocent people as soon as possible and all Indian s are paying taxes....
Have you ever thought of how much of taxes of your countrymen is going as payment to the security forces who are killing innocent people in Kashmir and North east in fake encounters and proudly give them medals on Republic Day or Is the blood of those killed by terrorists in India thicker than the innocent people in Kashmir killed by Indian Army....
Stand against terrorism whether it is by some Pakistani national like Kasab or under the disguise of Security as Indian Armymen....

. said...

Dear Khalid
I am always against war not because I suppose nobody has the right to kill.... But its us who have created borders with the defence expenditure of both the countries (who are poor) going up they should immediately think seriously about cooperation rather than fighting over Kashmir. Actually you cannot blame army killing innocent people... what happens u know? Their colleagues get killed everyday by the terrorist the grudge goes against the inhabitants of the place at the slightest provocation... I do agree that army should not do that as they are bounded by discipline. But after all u cannot ignore the thing that everybody is human and controlling them is sometimes impossible.

Khalid said...

Dear Ayoanendu
I respect your opinion and appreciate that you too are aginst war and this makes us atleast to share one common platform.
But I don't agree with you that Army can kill innocent people to grudge against the killing of thei fellow beings. Don't see army is an appartus of Indian State to control the population who does not give legitimacy to Indian Rule. As you seem to keep track of news, you might be aware of recent Fake encounter which army carreied out and killed 3 innocent civilians whom they first claimed to be "Pakistani Terrorits" and might have got medals of the coming Indian independence Day. About 8,000 people in an age group of 20-25 have disappeard, most of them picked up by army (FIR repoted and eye witnesses)and now recently 1000 unnamed graves nearby army camps have been discovered. Let me repeat it is not about a person who serves in army as soldier, major or captain but army as an Institution which is backed by Indian State. I hope you know about the AFSPA which gives impunity to Army from any killing...even they can shoot you without knowing/ enquring and no one will ask them.
There is a need to look at Kashmir problem from Kashmir's point of view and not from the prism of Indian state or Pakistani says its our integral part and the other says its their jugulair vein....let us see it from the people who are real party to dispute....from Human right's point of view...from the point of self-determination....the basic right of every nationa and individual to choose their political destiny...
Let us stand for War free South Asia and War free world...where Indians, Pakistanis and Kashmiris live in cooperation and Peace...
No to War Yes to Peace